mobile-friendly wordpress websites

With WordPress, you can have a powerful, professional site for a fraction of what it would take to build one in HTML. These are some of the features that are easy to implement in WordPress:

• A responsive layout that looks good on large and small screens and has a mobile-friendly features.
• Shopping cart capabilities.
• JavaScript animations such as sticky headers, animated sliders, accordion text areas, flip boxes and lots of other things that will make your site look spiffy.
• All the elements to promote your social media, especially blogging!
• Flexible layout options and elements.
• A back end that is easy to maintain, even for the technology impaired.

Want to see how mobile-friendly your website is?

Google’s Webmaster Central Blog recently announced that they will be expanding their use of mobile-friendliness as a ranking signal. Here’s a tool from Google to see how your website rates.

Here are a few more examples of some responsive websites Slant Communications has built. To see how responsive websites work, open the sites below on your desktop and resize the window, or look at in on a smartphone to see how it restacks the information and uses a mobile-friendly menu.