User Optimization

Search Engine OptimizationHubSpot, an industry leader in SEO and Social Marketing software, just published “17 SEO Myths You Should Leave Behind in 2015“. The biggest take away – it’s not about search engine placement techniques, it’s about value for the user.

The writing should be professional and all about what your customer is looking for. Complex phrasing for the purposes of keyword stuffing and inserting links makes for an awkward user experience. You also run the risk of google punishing you for the overuse of keywords. What’s more important is how the content is structured and that more relevant information is at the top of the page.

Every website should start with a strategy for well organized content. Strategy combined with a well designed website leads your customer to the information they are looking for. Your viewers will be more likely to buy, use and share your content if it’s good!

Myth #11

from ” 17 SEO Myths You Should Leave Behind in 2015“:

My homepage needs a lot of content

Your homepage content should be long enough to clarify who you are, what you do, where you’re located (if you’re local), your value proposition, and what visitors should do next. These visitors should leave satisfied, not overwhelmed or underwhelmed — and certainly not confused.”

More is not better, clear and concise is. The most important thing for search engine optimization is to have a site that’s well written and well designed.