Animation Drives Engagement
Bring Your Digital Marketing to Life Are you looking to drive engagement with your customer? Do you have a product or a message that you need to explain or promote? Are you in need of content for social media? [...]
Bring Your Digital Marketing to Life Are you looking to drive engagement with your customer? Do you have a product or a message that you need to explain or promote? Are you in need of content for social media? [...]
SHOPIFY TILL YOU DROPIFY Shopify has a lot of themes to choose from and great documentation and support. Instead of purchasing the themes on Shopify's Theme Store, I would recommend, they have great themes for $59 instead of the [...]
Mobile Friendly = Customer Friendly If your site's not mobile-friendly, you may be losing customers and sales to your competition. The latest post from "Think with Google:" "82% of smartphone users say they use search to find local businesses. Also: [...]
Anyone who has a website should care about search. There are a lot of ways to make your site more search engine friendly, and the best way for your website to use search will depend on what audience you are [...]
Use YouTube to Improve your SEO Adding video to your website not only adds interactivity and interest, it can help your search rankings. YouTube is the second only to Google (who owns YouTube) in search. According to Hootsuite's blog, by 2019 [...]
If you build it, will they come? There are quite a few good options for building simple websites, like, or This can be a great option for small companies that need something simple. There are a lot of things [...]
Marketing Stuff Nothing like free advice and training for your online marketing. Hubspot, an industry thought-leader on inbound marketing, has compiled a lot of their materials into a downloadable inbound marketing guide. The Complete Inbound Marketing Guide by Hubspot It [...]
Gotta go with Google Google's Webmaster Central Blog recently announced that they will be expanding their use of mobile-friendliness as a ranking signal. Here is an excerpt of the article: More mobile-friendly websites in search results Starting April [...]
First you must delete. That is my mantra for all of my design communications. Less really is more. Think of your user/customer/client first. They are short on time and want to find what they are looking for fast and easy. [...]
User Optimization HubSpot, an industry leader in SEO and Social Marketing software, just published "17 SEO Myths You Should Leave Behind in 2015". The biggest take away – it's not about search engine placement techniques, it's about value for [...]